Young Priest (official video)
Hum Like a Tram
(official video)
Hume Like a Tram
(live at KAOS Berlin)
Hunters and collectors
The Village
Bribe the bride
The woman with the knotted hands / live
Info English
Keenly observant,
once free, once tender, once furious,
Paul Dill sings light into a dark
Inspired as much by Biermann, Bukowski and Gaudi
as by Hertha Müller,
the singer offers enchanting,
dancing folk rock stories.
With finger-light, feral guitar playing,
scraps of thoughts become poetic collages,
clichés become art again.
Always driven by the love
of the unpredictable,
Dill draws on a wealth of experience
as composer
for contemporary dance and
as flight attendant.
Info Deutsch
Scharf beobachtend,
frei, zart oder wütend
singt Paul Dill Licht ins dunkle
Inspiriert von Biermann, Bukowski und Gaudi
zu Hertha Müller
dichtet der Sänger seine zauberhaft
tänzelnden Folkrock-Geschichten.
Mit fingerleichtem, verwilderten Gitarrenspiel
werden aus Gedankenfetzen poetische Kollagen,
aus Klischees wieder Kunst.
Immer getrieben von der Liebe
zum Unvorhersehbaren
schöpft Dill aus der jahrelangen Arbeit als Komponist
für zeitgenössischen Tanz und
Young Priest
Went and stretched our legs
in the forrest
You felt 39 I shook 44
Drang the water out of the basket
I needed less time,
cause my throat was sore
When I was a young priest
I didn’t believe
Well, now I am an old boy
Trade in my toys
All the power up in the wire
You are carrying your belly
like a trophy thorn
Then the magic sang by the choir
You need to wrestle with your youngest son
When I was a young priest
I didn’t believe
Now I am an old boy
Trade in my toys
tell me how am I still here
yes, sure I know the deal
wait your turn and shape your spear
sharp and point straight to the heart
apparently it’s all I know
apparently it’s all I adore
said the carpet to the floor
let’s roll it out
and roll it in
tell me who am I still near
castles, bells and dolls
come closer looser
give me a taste of what you hear
wait your turn and make your spear
stick it to the audience
like they won’t know what hit ‘em
and bleed for you forever
apparently it’s all I know
apparently it’s all I adore
said the carpet to the floor
apparently it’s all I know
apparently it’s all I adore
said the lady in the grocery store
let’s roll it out
and roll it in
I’ve been waiting outside to tell you
how waiting outside
is not an option anymore
Hum like a tram
Nobody craves for somebody’s fear
But with happiness it’s quite the opposite
If you bother one another, you have somebody
The pot fed back into its self
Cycling the coffee, cooking the coffee
I watch the steady flow
Had a pot balanced in the spout
And the sink is full of black berries
in a dark mush
I don’t loose my nerves
they are not getting less but too many
and they all hum like a tram
The pot fed back into its self
Cycling the coffee, cooking the coffee
I watch the steady flow
Had a pot balanced in the spout
And the sink is full of black berries
in a dark mush
Almost flowers
splendid in deep, dark porcelain
To look down on it
Die Zeit
Du sagst die Zeit verändert dich
Ich glaub die Zeit ist ne Erfindung
Du meinst du bist nicht mehr der jüngste
Du fürchtest dich
Doch nie passiert was in der Zukunft
Und nie passiert was in der Vergangenheit
Und auch die Zeiger für die Gegenwart
kriegst du nicht zu packen
Du sagst die Zeit verändert dich
Ich glaub die Zeit ist ne Erfindung, die gibt es nicht
Und alles was da ist, ist nur Veränderung
Du meinst du bist nicht mehr der jüngste
Du fürchtest dich vor dem was noch kommt vor dem was schon war
Doch nie passiert was in der Zukunft
Und nie passiert was in der Vergangenheit
Und auch die Zeiger für die Gegenwart
kriegst du nicht zu packen
Mmmm Mmm Mmmm M